Free Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate Pennsylvania 2018

Looking for a free standard agreement for the sale of real estate in Pennsylvania in 2018? Look no further! As a homebuyer or seller, a real estate sales agreement is a crucial document that outlines all the terms and conditions of the transaction. You need to make sure that you have an agreement that is legally binding and covers all the details of the sale.

Fortunately, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors provides a free standard agreement for the sale of real estate in Pennsylvania in 2018. This document is a comprehensive contract that lays out everything from the property description to the closing costs. It`s important to note that this agreement is only a template and should be reviewed by a licensed attorney to ensure that it conforms to your specific needs and requirements.

The agreement for the sale of real estate in Pennsylvania is divided into several sections, each of which is important to understand. Here are the main components of the agreement:

1. Property description: This section includes a detailed description of the property being sold, including its location, size, and any improvements or fixtures.

2. Purchase price: This section outlines the purchase price of the property, any applicable financing terms, and the deposit that the buyer is required to put down.

3. Closing costs: This section explains the closing costs that both the buyer and seller will be responsible for, including fees for title search, title insurance, and transfer taxes.

4. Inspection and remedies: This section lays out the inspection process and the remedies available to the buyer if any defects are discovered during the inspection.

5. Contingencies: This section outlines any contingencies that must be met before the sale can be finalized, such as the buyer obtaining financing or the seller resolving any liens or encumbrances.

6. Closing and possession: This section explains the closing process and outlines the date when the buyer will take possession of the property.

7. Brokerage: This section outlines the role of any brokers involved in the transaction and the commission they will receive.

It`s important to review each section of the agreement carefully and to consult with a licensed attorney before signing the document. A real estate sales agreement is a legally binding contract, so it`s important to make sure that it accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the sale.

In conclusion, if you`re looking for a free standard agreement for the sale of real estate in Pennsylvania in 2018, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors provides a comprehensive template that covers all the necessary details of the transaction. However, it`s important to review the document carefully and to consult with a licensed attorney to ensure that it accurately reflects your specific needs and requirements.